Hudson Valley Council Dance 2018

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Caller: Ted Lizotte
Ted Lizotte in background, Karen Bennett and Tee Cotter in forefront.
L-R: Betty Catelli, Armand Catelli, Ann Catelli
Foreground: Ron McMurdy, background: Robert Scoralick; Chic & Janet Sanders; Ted Lizotte; Mary Flanagan
Boots n' Bows: Carol Ann McMurdy, Steve Ocskasy
Friendly Squares: Ellie Young & Tony Mancini, rear Pelham Promenaderes: Diane Lau & Peter Schnurr
Rocking Roosters: Trish Cawley & Paul Keene, rear Single Funtimers: Robert Scoralick & Marie Gower

Thank you to Chuck Wagner for taking most of the pictures.

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