Hudson Valley Council Dance 2017

Location: Edmond Town Hall -- Newtown, Ct.

Click on picture to enlarge

Caller: Randy Page

Robert Scoralick and Dot Casa. In background: John Gott

L-R: Roberta Bengelsdorf and Tee Cotter.
Ron McMurdy and Sandy Corey.
L-R: Peg Millar, Pat Push, Margaret Walker, Diane Lau.
L-R: Randy Page, Sandy Corey, Mary Flanagan. In rear right: Gabrielle Krill and Lenny Berger
Friendly Squares: Carol and Alex Lerch.
Grand Squares: Eleanor Jass and Marie Gower.
Pelham Promenaders: Pat Push and Peg Millar.
RocklandRockytops: Vicky Panzer-Ficco and Arthur Liebowitz
Single Funtimers: Roberta Bengelsdorf and Robert Scoralick
Rocking Roosters: Martha and Marty Maciag

I would like to thank Tex for the picture taking.

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